
1969-76 Strawberry Hill Gallery, Sydney

1972 Galerie Manuel, Berne, Switzerland

1977 David Sumner Gallery, Adelaide

1978 Studio Zero, Gold Coast, Queensland

Barry Stern Exhibiting Gallery, Sydney

1980 ‘Coastal’ Barry Stern Exhibiting Gallery, Sydney

1981 Cooks Hill Gallery, Newcastle, NSW

Barry Stern Exhibiting Gallery, Sydney

1982 Cooks Hill Gallery, Newcastle NSW

1983 Barry Stern Exhibiting Gallery, Sydney

1984 Barry Stern Exhibiting Gallery, Sydney

1985 Mosman Gallery, Sydney

1986 Barry Stern Exhibiting Gallery, Sydney

Greenhill Gallery, Perth

The New Outback:  Australian Art Today’, 

Design Centre, Los Angeles, USA

1987 Munson Gallery, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA

Art Expo, Chicago, USA

Mosman Art Gallery, Sydney

1988 IMG Artists Space, New York City, USA

Munson Gallery, Chatham, Cape Cod, Massachusetts, USA

1990 Art Fair, Axia Modern Art Gallery, Melbourne

Barry Stern Exhibiting Gallery, Sydney

1991 Axia Modern Art Gallery, Melbourne

1992 Prince Cohen Gallery, Sydney

Axia Modern Art Gallery, Melbourne

1993 ‘Points of View’ Axia Modern Art Gallery, Melbourne

1994 ‘Australian Contemporary Artist’, The Rotunda, Hong Kong

1995 ‘Trans’, Bridge Street Gallery, Sydney

Wagner Gallery, Sydney

1996 ‘Contemporary Australian Art’, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Axia Modern Art Gallery, Melbourne

Christopher Day Gallery, Sydney

1997 ‘Three Continents’, Christopher Day Gallery, Sydney

Axia Modern Art Gallery, Melbourne

1998 ‘Australian Contemporary Art’, Liu-Hai-Su Art Museum,

Central Shanghai, China

‘Recent Works’, Axia Modern Art Gallery, Melbourne

‘Recent Works’, Christopher Day Gallery, Sydney

Philip Bacon Galleries, Brisbane

‘Mask’, Jewish Museum of Australia, Melbourne

1999 ‘Towards 2000 – Contemporary Australian Art’, The Rotunda,

Hong Kong

‘Borderlines’, Axia Modern Art Gallery, Melbourne

2000 ‘Life and Landscape’, Book Launch and Exhibition, Christopher Day Gallery, Sydney and Axia Modern Art Gallery, Melbourne

‘We Are Australian’, Touring Exhibition: Volvo Gallery, Sydney; Adelaide Festival Centre, Adelaide; Canberra Museum and Art Gallery, ACT; Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery, Hobart; New England Regional Art Museum, Armidale NSW; Hamilton Art Gallery, Victoria; Latrobe Regional Gallery, Morwell, Victoria

2001 ‘Extinction Denied’, Volvo Gallery, Sydney

‘Celebrating the Year of Friendship Between Australia and Korea, Korea Foundation, Cultural Centre in Seoul Korea

2002 ‘We Are Australian’, Victorian Arts Centre, Melbourne

‘We Are Australian’, Touring Exhibition:  State Library Queensland; Geelong Art Gallery; Regional Venue, Morwell, Victoria

‘Nexus’, Axia Modern Art Gallery, Melbourne Art Fair, Melbourne

‘Australian Realist Painters’, Wagner Gallery, The Rotunda, Hong Kong

‘At One Stage’, Christopher Day Gallery, Sydney

2003 ‘We Are Australian’, The Immigration Museum, Melbourne

2004 ‘Circumference’, Philip Bacon Galleries, Brisbane Axia Modern Art Gallery, Melbourne

‘Land and Sea’, Axia Modern Art Gallery, Sydney

‘Precious Platters’, Jewish Museum of Australia, Melbourne

2005 ‘Altered Courses’, Cooks Hill Gallery, Newcastle, NSW

‘Radius’, Axia Modern Art Gallery, Sydney

‘Five Angles’, Gallows Gallery, Perth

2006 ‘Along the Lines’. Axia Modern Art Gallery, Melbourne

‘Across the Stage’, Cooks Hill Gallery, Newcastle, NSW

‘Art of Music’, Group Exhibition, Art Gallery of NSW, Sydney Group Exhibition, Imagination Gallery, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK

2007 ‘Far Afield’, Cooks Hill Gallery, Newcastle, NSW, Group Exhibition with Wagner Art Gallery, Sydney

2008 ‘Open Spaces and Other Places’, Survey Exhibition – Celebrating 40 years of Painting, Tweed  Regional Gallery, NSW

‘Mediterraneo”, Philip Bacon Galleries, Brisbane Group Exhibition Axia Modern Art Gallery, Melbourne

‘Global Roaming’, Wagner Art Gallery, Sydney

‘Continental Drift’, Axia Modern Art Gallery, Melbourne

‘At a Distance’, Masterpiece Gallery, Hobart Australia

1st International Painting Symposium, National Museum, Damascus, Syria, Al Boustan Ministry of Culture

2012 ‘A Wider Circle’, David Hall Gallery, Fort Kochi, Kerala, India

‘The Spiritual Song’, Book Launch, The Revised Bhagavad Gita

‘Painting Symposium Biennale’, Kurs Selskap Galleri, Bekkjarvik, Norway

‘A Wider Circle’, Galleri Melange, Luxembourg (Travelling Exhibition)

‘Biennale of Painting’, Norway (Australian Representative)

‘Time Contour’, Linton & Kay Galleries, Perth

‘Italian Paintings and Drawings’, Wagner Art Gallery, Sydney

‘Drawing:  A Fundamental Liberation II’, Wagner Art Gallery, Sydney

2013 ‘Drawing:  A Fundamental Liberation III’, Wagner Art Gallery, Sydney

‘Drawing:  A Fundamental Liberation III’, Linton & Kay Galleries, Perth

2014 ‘Parallel Peninsulas’, Wagner Art Gallery, Sydney

2016 ‘Euralia’, Gallery One, Southport, Qld

Moss Foundation Ministry of Art Melbourne (Swaziland Water Project) Africa

2017 ‘Different Visions’, Paramita Art Museum, Komono Mie Ken, Japan

2018 ‘Paz e Amor’, Portugal International Travelling Exhibition, Galeri Flores Do Capo, Colares, Portugal

Composed & recorded musical album “Songs for Torii” with AND THEN band at Atlantico Blue Studios, Lisbon, Portugal

2019 ‘Bay of Fires’, Solo Exhibition Despard Gallery, Hobart, Tasmania

‘Contour’, Exhibition of marble sculpture, Gallery One, Southport, Qld

2020 Released Song Internationally “Choices Made” from ‘Songs for Torii’

50 Years – Gosford Art Prize. 1970-2020

‘Ken Johnson - Open Spaces / Other Phases 2000-2020’ Book Launch (Enstrom Publishing International)

‘Ken Johnson - Anecdotes & Allegories 2000-2020’ Book Launch (Enstrom Publishing International)